2024 SLIG Spring Virtual, F. Warren Bittner, German, Gothic Script and Fraktur, Virtual

SLIG Spring Virtual 2024: Gothic Script and Fraktur

Just announced! F. Warren Bittner is offering his course on Gothic Script and Fraktur: Reading Records of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, and the Czech Republic, plus German-American Church Books and Newspapers, during SLIG Spring Virtual 2024!

German handwriting is troublesome with seven forms of the letter s, h’s that look like f’s, e’s that look like n’s, p’s that look like nothing ever seen before, and r’s that are just plain upside down. In this course, you will learn to read Gothic script and Fraktur typeface, having fun in the process. German genealogical vocabulary and Latin terms are included. By the end of this course, you will have the tools to read basic German genealogical records.

Check back on the SLIG Spring Virtual 2024 Courses webpage for updates, including dates and times the course will meet, as well as the course schedule.

SLIG Spring Virtual registration opens Saturday, July 22, at 2:00 MDT.

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