SLIG Spring Virtual 2024

Course Information

Course 1: Bring ‘Em Back to Life: Writing Our Ancestors’ Stories

Annette Burke Lyttle, MA

Annette Burke Lyttle, MAThe goal of this course is to help researchers understand how to tell the stories of their ancestors, to equip them with skills and techniques that will give them confidence as writers, to help them avoid pitfalls, and to help them understand how best to share their stories, depending on their goals. Writing these stories can seem like a daunting task, but with instruction and coaching, researchers can learn to be not just guardians of the family history, but tellers of those family stories. Our hands-on learning approach, along with homework on their own writing projects, will allow students to immediately practice the concepts being taught in the course. They will also end up with a completed writing project and a plan for how best to share it. The course will finish with a lecture on how to get help and support for their writing projects going forward.

Other Instructors

Dates & Times (Virtual)

Wednesdays, 10:00 am–2:00 pm MT, 14 February through 24 April 2024


  • Regular Price: $545.00
  • UGA Member Price: $495.00

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Course 2: You're Invited: Public Speaking from Concept to Delivery

D. Joshua Taylor, MA, MLS, FUGA

D. Joshua Taylor, MA, MLSThe ability to transform an initial concept to a full-fledged presentation delivered in front of an audience might seem like a daunting adventure for many professionals. This interactive course is ideal for existing speakers seeking to brush up on their skills and expand their portfolios and anyone seeking to explore how public speaking might align with their aspirations.

This intensive week explores key components of public speaking for genealogists: the “business of speaking,” outlining contracts, pricing, legal considerations, and marketing techniques; “knowing your audience,” focusing on crafting an array of presentations, keeping lectures current, and answering conference proposal requests; “development,” including details on developing handouts, slide presentations, and other visuals; and “delivery,” centered on finding a speaking style, avoiding pitfalls, structuring your presentations, and the opportunity to present two “mini-sessions” to solicit feedback and advice from fellow students and course instructors.

A variety of speaking opportunities will be discussed, including traditional one-hour sessions, seminars, workshops, webinars, institute courses, public programming, continued education courses, and national and regional conferences.

Other Instructors

Dates & Times (Virtual)

Thursdays, 10:00 am–2:00 pm MT, 15 February through 25 April 2024


  • Regular Price: $545.00
  • UGA Member Price: $495.00

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Course 3: The Art of Writing a Research Report

Debra A. Hoffman, PLCGS

Debra A. Hoffman, PLCGSWant to effectively capture your research whether writing for yourself or a client? Writing effective research reports can be a challenge. This course will provide instruction and hands-on experience creating an efficient and effective report. A team of professional genealogists will share their expertise in technical writing, evidence analysis, incorporating visual elements, organizing material, time-saving strategies, and documentation. Examples of a variety of reporting formats covering simple to complex research problems from a variety of professional perspectives will be shared and available to review during the course. Participants will learn both by evaluating provided reports and writing a research report during the week. Students should have a laptop to work on practice exercises in class and complete writing assignments.

Other Instructors

Dates & Times (Virtual)

Wednesdays, 8:30 am–4:00 pm MT, 28 February through 27 March 2024


  • Regular Price: $595.00
  • UGA Member Price: $545.00

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Course 4: BCG Certification: Understanding and Meeting Standards

Angela Packer McGhie, CG, FUGA and Karen Stanbary, MA, LCSW, CG

Karen Stanbary, MA, LCSW, CGAngela Packer McGhie, CG, FUGAIn this hands-on course, students review and practice the Board for Certification of Genealogists’ requirements for credentialing. They study the Genealogical Proof Standard and Genealogy Standards to create and evaluate genealogical work using established rubrics.

Rubrics for Evaluating New Applications for BCG Certification provide the organizing framework for class discussions, hands-on activities, and at-home practice. In-class exercises build foundational skills in transcribing records, planning efficient research, analyzing records, correlating information, reporting on research results, and writing about evidence. Weekly homework assignments provide the opportunity for students to apply the skills to their own research. Students will be asked to identify and celebrate their small wins on their paths to submitting a successful portfolio.

We will dive deep into the skills necessary to achieve certification:

  • Crafting a meaningful research question
  • Conducting reasonably exhaustive research
  • Evaluating sources as containers of information
  • Developing and refining efficient and dynamic research plans
  • Mining and reporting evidence
  • Documenting sources
  • Transcribing and abstracting information
  • Correlating information
  • Writing about evidence with logic and inference
  • Assembling evidence and conclusions
  • Parentage proofs including DNA
  • Resolving conflicts
  • Reporting of findings in a formal Research Report
  • Writing clear proof arguments detailing evidence and reasoning to support conclusions
  • Accurately reconstructing families within a Narrative Lineage
  • Writing a detailed and documented life story including meaningful historical context

This course is not sponsored by the Board for Certification of Genealogists. The opinions expressed by the faculty are entirely their own. The BCG Application Guide and Genealogy Standards represent the authority in all matters relating to credentialing. Please refer to the Board for Certification of Genealogists website for more information.

Dates & Times

Thursdays, 8:00 am–3:30 pm MT, 15 February through 28 March 2024


  • Regular Price: $595.00
  • UGA Member Price: $545.00

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Course 5: DNA Dreamers in Action: Writing Proof Arguments

Karen Stanbary, MA, LCSW, CG

Karen Stanbary, MA, LCSW, CGThis course’s objective is for students to craft a genealogical proof argument demonstrating that a conclusion about a genetic relationship meets the Genealogical Proof Standard. Genealogical proof arguments are complex source-cited narratives that explain the evidence and reasoning that support a conclusion. When the conclusion addresses a genetic relationship, the proof argument discusses and integrates DNA evidence with evidence from documentary research. A convincing proof argument details the evidence in a meaningful and organized sequence. Proof arguments incorporating DNA evidence include reader-friendly tables and figures showing how numerical DNA data do—or do not—help support hypotheses about genetic relationships.

This hands-on course is designed for those students who have completed research about a biological relationship and now wish to “write it up” into a polished complex proof argument. We will study examples and principles in the morning. Students will have the opportunity to incorporate the morning’s learning into their own proof arguments during private writing time in the afternoon and as homework. Faculty will be available during afternoon private writing time for consultation. Each day concludes with a paired peer review experience.

Other Instructors

Dates & Times (Virtual)

Fridays, 8:00 am–4:30 pm MT, 1 March through 29 March 2024
REVISED: 8 March through 5 April 2024


  • Regular Price: $595.00
  • UGA Member Price: $545.00

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CANCELLED–Course 6: Editing Genealogical Writing

Karen Mauer Jones, CG, FGBS, FUGA

Editors are not born editors. They become skilled at their craft by editing their own writing. They play with words, massaging their thoughts, turning sentences and paragraphs on end, reducing paragraphs to sentences, ripping out irrelevant thoughts, and experimenting with organization. This course—meeting for a few hours one day a week for up to ten weeks—will provide opportunities to hone your editorial skills. By editing your own writing and that of your peers, not only will you improve your writing, you will increase your ability to improve that of others. Homework exercises will include numerous writing samples to polish. Whether your goal is just to improve your writing or to edit a scholarly journal, this course will take you in the right direction.

Course 7: Gothic Script and Fraktur Workshop: Reading Records of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, and the Czech Republic, plus German-American Church Books and Newspapers

F. Warren Bittner

F. Warren Bittner German handwriting is troublesome with seven forms of the letter s, h’s that look like f’s, e’s that look like n’s, p’s that look like nothing ever seen before, and r’s that are just plain upside down. Students in Reading German Records will learn to read Gothic Script and Fraktur Typeface and have fun in the process. This course will include German genealogical vocabulary and Latin terms. By the end of the course students will have the tools needed to read basic German genealogical records.

Other Instructors

Dates & Times (Virtual)

Wednesdays, 10:00 am–2:00 pm MT, 14 February through 24 April 2024


  • Regular Price: $595.00
  • UGA Member Price: $545.00

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