2024 SLIG Spring Virtual, DNA, DNA Dreamers in Action, Karen Stanbary, Virtual, Writing DNA Proof Arguments

SLIG Spring Virtual 2024: DNA Dreamers in Action: Writing Proof Arguments

After receiving excellent reviews, DNA Dreamers in Action: Writing Proof Arguments is back again, offered in a virtual, multi-week format. Are you ready to work on or polish that case study that incorporates DNA evidence?

DNA Dreamers in Action: Writing Proof Arguments, coordinated by Karen Stanbary, MA, LCSW, CG, will help you learn how to craft a genealogical proof argument demonstrating that a conclusion about a genetic relationship meets the Genealogical Proof Standard. This hands-on course is designed for students who have completed research about a biological relationship and now wish to write it up into a polished complex proof argument. You will have the opportunity to incorporate each session’s learnings into their own proof argument. You will also benefit from private consultations with faculty and from paired peer review experiences.

Other Instructors:

  • Thomas W. Jones, PhD, CG, FASG, FNGS, FUGA
  • Scott Wilds, CG
This is an advanced course and assumes the student is well-versed in beginning and intermediate DNA topics including inheritance paths, interpretation of markers and mutations, genetic relationship predictions, endogamy, pedigree collapse, clustering, chromosome mapping, targeted testing plans, and DNA-related Genealogy Standard.
DNA Dreamers in Action: Writing Proof Arguments will meet online on Fridays, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm MT, March 1–29, 2024.
See the SLIG Spring Virtual 2024 Courses webpage for more information, including required reading and updates.
SLIG Spring Virtual registration opens Saturday, July 22, at 2:00 pm MDT.

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