Chinese Genealogy Research with Kelly Summers, MS, AG-Don’t Miss Out!
August 14, 2020
Some classes only come to SLIG every few years or so. This is the case with Chinese Genealogy Research. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn virtually this fall from Kelly Summers, MS, AG who will help you to:
- Identify records that may contain genealogical information of a Chinese ancestor
- Conduct an Oral History Interview to obtain historical and genealogical information
- Locate and use appropriate collections to identify the correct Chinese surname character and ancestral village location
- Understand the history and organization of the Chinese genealogy (Jiapu)
- Recognize and extract key genealogical information found in the Chinese genealogy
- Document and Organize genealogical information using technology
- Understand the considerations for planning a trip to the Chinese ancestral village
For more information on the class please see the class page.
This course was offered at SLIG in 2020 and received rave reviews!
“You don’t have to know a lot about Chinese genealogy to take this courseI was surprised by the range of skills in our class of 10. We had the gamut from professionals in genealogy to absolute newbies. We had fluent Chinese speakers and non-Chinese speakers. Credit goes to Kelly Summers, whose course design clearly took nothing for granted.We had an amazing group in Course 8 – we may have met as strangers but we left as friends.” -Linda Y.
“More Chinese genealogy toolsThe Chinese Ancestry tools I learned in this course were unbelievable. I so wish I could have taken this course about 10 years ago, but the next best time is now. For someone who doesn’t read or speak Chinese, we learned:How to read Chinese grave markersHow to interpret Chinese calendarsHow to read a jiapu (Chinese family tree), and how to distinguish the various styles of jiapuHow to plan a trip to your ancestral villageHow to locate a Chinese genealogy onlineThe key words to interpreting a Chinese family treeWhat records are available for Chinese Ancestry and where they are in the USA, Canada, Australia and the former Kingdom of HawaiiThe best apps to hurdle the Chinese language barrierHow to build a resources listand about 100 more things besides.There are pivotal times in life when you learn something that will change the way you think about things ever after. This course was challenging, brain-busting, and fatiguing and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ll be talking a lot about what I learned in the coming months. Probably years.”-Linda Y.
“A HUGE SHOUT OUT to Kelly Renee Summers, her team of fabulous instructors, and my fellow students of Chinese Ancestry: Research Methods and Sources. What a wonderful group of people. It was a true honour to get to know all of you this week.⛩⛩⛩
This course exceeded all my expectations and then… kept on going. My head hurt at the end of every day, yet we were all raring for more the next morning. ⛩⛩⛩
Congratulations to everyone for putting this course together, and again congratulations for making the leap to Virtual! 🍾🍾🍾”-Linda Y.
“This is the best course I have taken in genealogy-ever! Thank you for pulling this amazing group together to teach us.” – Melissa F.
“Loved every minute. Thank you!” – Linda L.
“Thank you for the excellent class! – Kim R.
So what are you waiting for?
Head on over and register before it’s too late!