2024 SLIG Spring Virtual, D. Joshua Taylor, Public Speaking, Virtual

SLIG Spring Virtual 2024: You’re Invited: Public Speaking from Concept to Delivery

Are you ready to become a genealogical speaker? Maybe try your hand (your voice?) at presenting a case study at a genealogy conference? Or may teach a webinar? Or offer a live workshop? This course will help you begin as a genealogical speaker. And if you have already started speaking and presenting, this course will assist you in honing your speaking skills.

You’re Invited: Public Speaking from Concept to Delivery, coordinated by D. Joshua Taylor, MA, MLS, FUGA, will help you transform an initial concept into a full-fledged presentation delivered in front of an audience. It is also ideal for existing speakers seeking to brush up on their skills and expand their portfolios. All can explore how public speaking might align with their aspirations.

This is an intensive, interactive course that explores many key components of public speaking for genealogists within the general framework of understanding the business of speaking, knowing your audience, developing your presentation, and delivering your presentation.

Other instructors:

  • Annette Burke Lyttle, MA
  • Angela Packer McGhie, CG, FUGA
  • Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL
You’re Invited: Public Speaking from Concept to Delivery will meet online on Thursdays, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm MT, February 15 through April 25, 2024.

See the SLIG Spring Virtual 2024 Courses webpage for more information, including updates.

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