Editing, Editing Genealogical Writing, Genealogical Writing, Karen Mauer Jones, Peer Review, Writing

SLIG Spring Virtual 2024: Editing Genealogical Writing

Editors are not born editors. They become skilled at their craft by editing their own writing. They play with words, massaging their thoughts, turning sentences and paragraphs on end, reducing paragraphs to sentences, ripping out irrelevant thoughts, and experimenting with organization. Editing Genealogical Writing, coordinated by Karen Mauer Jones, CG, FGBS, FUGA, will provide opportunities for you to hone your editorial skills.

Editing Genealogical Writing is a new course and a continuation of the SLIG course on Writing and Documenting for Peer Review, which is a prerequisite. It provides more opportunities for hands-on work and peer-to-peer collaboration, expanding on topics introduced in the Peer Review course.

As pre-course homework, each student is asked to bring to class a proof argument in the formative stage. In other words, most of the research is completed (there will always be more you can do), you’re sure you’ve solved the problem, but you haven’t started writing it up or you’ve just started. You will write the proof argument throughout the class, then do peer-to-peer editing at the end.

Other instructors:

  • Paul K. Graham, AG, CG, CGL
  • Thomas W. Jones, PhD, CG, FASG, FUGA, FNGS
  • Angela Packer McGhie, CG, FUGA
Editing Genealogical Writing will meet online on Tuesdays, 11:00 am to 3:30 pm MT, March 5, through May 7, 2024.
See the SLIG Spring Virtual 2024 Courses webpage for more information, including updates.
SLIG Spring Virtual registration opens Saturday, July 22, at 2:00 MDT.

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