Ancestry, DNA, FindMyPast, Hilton SLC, LegacyTreeGenealogists, MyHeritage, SLIG 2018, UGA DNA SIG, VisitSaltLake

Who Doesn’t Love Prizes?

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Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy is
so very pleased to announce the prizes for SLIG’s 2018 contests. More about the
contests later, and much more about this year’s prizes below—get ready, get
set, and get ready to go enter some contests and win some prizes!
The following prizes will be awarded at the end of the
  • 1 year subscription to FindMyPast
    and is donated by FindMyPast
  • 3 individual DNA kits by MyHeritage
  • 1 year complete subscription to MyHeritage donated by MyHeritage
  • 3 individual DNA kits awarded by Ancestry
  • 2 individual SLC Chef’s Table cookbook with a Visit SLC
    by VisitSaltLake
  • Wicked Audio Bluetooth speaker by VisitSaltLake
  • Breakfast for two at Trofi restaurant at the Hilton by the
    Hilton Salt Lake City Center
  • 4 individual Early Registration for choice of SLIG2019 OR 2019 Academy
  • The choice between either a Detailed Research Plan OR a DNA
    (value $350) by LegacyTreeGenealogists. Details below.

The Discovery Plan is a preliminary assessment of a client’s documentation compiled into a detailed research plan. This is ideal for someone who wants to “do the research
themselves” but would like guidance from a professional. It is also an
excellent way for a client to “test the water” before committing to one of our
full-service 20-, 40- or 60-hour genealogy research projects.
The DNA Discovery Plan appeals to both those who have already tested and those who have not. With a taken DNA test, expert genetic genealogists will
analyze test results and provide a written explanation of results,
including recommendations for additional testing/research to meet the tester’s goal(s).
If the test has not been taken, the DNA Analysis may be used to create a DNA testing plan, outlining who should test and why to achieve specific research goal(s).

Daily prizes will be given out by the Utah
Genealogical Society’s (UGA) DNA Special Interest Group (SIG) at the
UGA booth located in SLIG Central. 
Sign up, put your name in the hat, come by and give it a try! It’s all about having SLIG fun!

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