UGA Leadership

Welcome New UGA Board Members

Each year UGA loses three board members and welcomes three new to our ranks. We would like to give a heartfelt thanks to Maren Jeppsen, Howard Bybee, and Jeff Blaylock for their three years of service to UGA. Thank you!

We would also like to welcome our newest board members:

Adele Marcum
Adele Marcum loves being involved in genealogy. A desire to know more about her great aunt Adele led her to an introductory course in genealogy at Brigham Young University. When she found herself spending twice as much time researching her family than she was working on her other homework, Adele knew that something needed to change—and that change was her major! Currently, Adele works for FamilySearch, is serving as the Director of the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy, and dabbles in writing, blogging, and lecturing. Someday when life is less busy, she’d like to research her own family again.

Dan Lawyer
Dan has been working for FamilySearch as a senior product manager since 2004. He has been involved in many aspects of FamilySearch and is currently responsible for the Web site. Dan loves working on his own family history and is passionate about helping others see and share the richness in their ancestry.

Jason Harrison, CG
Jason Harrison, CG, is employed as a United States and Canada Research Consultant at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. His specialties include New England, Mountain states, and LDS research. He received a bachelor’s degree in Family History from Brigham Young University and is a Certified Genealogist.

Patsy Hendrickson, AG
Patsy Hendrickson is an accredited researcher, AG, in LDS research. She has her B.A. in Spanish and English and has been employed at the Family History Library as a United States and Canada Research Consultant since 1985. Her research focus has been in the southern and mid-Atlantic states and Finland. She has taught genealogy at conferences, expos, and the Family History Library and has written research materials for a genealogical Web site.


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