NGS Conference, SLIG, SLIG 2019, SLIG Academy, SLIG Virtual

Visit Us at the 2018 NGS Conference – Booth 227

Come visit us at Booth 227 in the exhibition hall during the 2018 National Genealogical Society’s Family History Conference. Ask us questions and get the lowdown on our full lineup of courses in 2019, including the brand new SLIG Academy for Professionals.

We have so many of our 2019 instructors giving lectures at NGS this year. Please take some time to see these exceptional teachers at their craft.

Please check the conference app and the online program for more details.
Name / Session ID / Title
Deborah A. Abbott, Ph.D.
F328 Free Negro Registers: A Northern Resource
S415 Menus, Housekeepers, and First Ladies: Discovering Unique Michigan Manuscript Collections
Blaine Bettinger, Ph.D., J.D.
T260 Native American DNA: Separating Fact from Fiction
F350 The Danger of Distant Genetic Matches
S460 Evaluating Genealogical Conclusions Using DNA
Jeanne Larzalere Bloom, CG
W122 Give Me…Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free: Immigration and Naturalization
T211 BCG Certification Seminar
T251 Valid and Unsound Assumptions: What Was She Thinking?
F316 Pushing Up Daisies: Cemetery Research
Angie Bush, MS.
T250 Your Cousins Are Your Secret Weapon
F361 Using Research Logs and Creating Client Reports that Include DNA Results
S461 The Professional Toolkit: Making the Most of DNA Gedcom
John Philip Colletta, Ph.D., FUGA
W101 Coming Along the Towpath: The Erie Canal and the Peopling of the Great Lakes States [Opening session!]
T226 Your Ancestors’ World Revealed: Using 19th-Century Newspapers for Family History
F349 Only a Few Bones: Case Studies in Assembling Sources to Reconstruct Real-Life Events
S416 Private Archives: What They Are and How to Use Them
Victor S. Dunn, CG
W126 Statistically Speaking—the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Vital Record Research
W151 Analyze This! Scrutinizing Evidence for Problem Solving
LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, J.D., LLM, CG
T203 Reasonably Exhaustive Research of African American Ancestors Who Came Out of Slavery
F318 Gleaning Genealogical Information About Enslaved Ancestors from the Probate Files of Slaveholding Families
S411 Transcribing Documents: There is More Than Meets the Eye!
Thomas W. Jones, Ph.D., CG, CGL, FASG, FUGA, FNGS
W123 Turn a Name into a Life Story by Researching, Reasoning, and ‘Riting
T255 Using Michigan Records to Reconstruct a New England Family
F321 Using Indirect and Negative Evidence to Prove Unrecorded Events
S449 Inferential Genealogy: Deducing Ancestor’s Identities and Relationships
Michael D. Lacopo, DVM
W145 Finding Treasurers in the Hoosier Courthouse
F353 Mennonite Research: The Forgotten Swiss Germans
J. Mark Lowe, CG, FUGA
W146 Discovering Minister Isaac Steele and His Family Using Land Records and Manuscripts
T246 Making Those Early Census Records Talk
Angela Packer McGhie, CG
F301 History, Records and Context: Researching the Locations Your Ancestors Lived
F325 Early Land Records in Michigan and the Old Northwest Territory
David E. Rencher, AG, CG, FIGRS, FUGA
W121 The Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS) is Your Friend, Not Your Enemy
S454 Methodology for Researching your Scots-Irish Ancestors
Judy G. Russell, J.D., CG, CGL
T213 The Discriminating Genealogist: Telling Good Evidence from Bad
T243 When Worlds Collide: Resolving Conflicts in Genealogical Records
F341 A Matter of Standards: DNA and the GPS
S433 Paths to Your Past: Story Telling to Bring Us Together
Pamela Boyer Sayre, CG, CGL, FUGA
T258 Google Mapping Your Ancestors’ Footsteps
Richard G. Sayre, CG, CGL, FUGA
W127 The Goldmine of Military Pensions
T201 The Poor and the Landless: Correlating Indirect Evidence to Build a Proof Argument
F314 Irish Research—Using Online Resources
Karen Stanbary, MA, LCSW, CG
S420 Weaving DNA Results into a Proof Argument
D. Joshua Taylor, MA, MLS
W133 Genealogical Mis-adventures from New York
T245 Fifteen Tools for Tracing Your New York Ancestors Online
Ari Wilkins
F302 The Great Migration: Tracking African Americans to Northern Industrial Cities
S448 Studying Free People of Color in Apprentice Records
Please check the official NGS app and website for details.

SLIG 2019 registration opens this July! See you then!

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