
UGA Summit of Excellence

Registration for the UGA Fall Conference, Summit of Excellence is now open.
The Summit will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 11-12, 2020 following the virtual format introduced last year. Participants may register for DNA Day, the Summit, or both, with discounts available for UGA members. 
The theme “Paths of Discovery” guides the focus of all presentations. The conference will feature a 9/11 commemoration and honor the 100-year anniversary of women’s suffrage. The full schedule and presentation details may be found here, along with a registration FAQ and the link to the registration form.
UGA is using the same registration system utilized by SLIG. If you have attended SLIG in the past two years, you already have a registration account. The Summit registration form will be joined there by SLIG Virtual courses shortly. 
Wishing you a year full of great educational experiences. We hope to “see” you at the Summit of Excellence.

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