The Utah Genealogical Association is pleased to announce the association awards presented for the year 2012. We are thankful for the service and lasting legacies these people have given to the genealogy community and to the Utah Genealogical Association.
Luana Darby was given the Distinguished Service Award for her many years of service to the organization. She was tireless as president from 2009 to 2010 and accomplished many great projects during her tenure as president. She was president of UGA during the very successful National Genealogical Society conference in Salt Lake in 2010 which strengthened UGA’s financial standing and has benefited the society in the years since. All of this work was accomplished while Luana was finishing her Masters in Library Science and preparing for her genealogy credentials as well as doing client work. She was meticulous as UGA president as she is meticulous in her genealogy research. In 2012 she came back to fill a need as treasurer and again went through UGA’s finances carefully, finding lost money and making sure everything was running smoothly. We are happy to be able to work with her and happy to present to her the Distinguished Service Award for 2012.
Christy Fillerup was also given the Distinguished Service Award for 2012 for her many years of service in various aspects of the organization. Christy has been a major driving force in UGA and has been a major part of UGA’s success in recent years. Christy’s willing attitude and cheerful volunteering has solved many political and financial crises. She has stepped in and offered to do heavy lifting in jobs with imbalances between committees and paid workers. As Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy Director she has been precise and forward thinking–putting together and effectively managing a wonderful team of people to run the institute. She is a great friend, with a willing smile and we are proud to have her on the UGA team.
Kimberly Powell is the 2012 Silver Tray recipient for genealogical publishing. The UGA board of directors has chosen to honor Kimberly for her work at and her books that allow new genealogists learn about family history in an inviting way while still holding to strong standards of research and scholarship. Kimberly is a professional genealogist, web developer, and genealogy blogger who has served as Vice President of the Association of Professional Genealogists. She is the author of Everything Family Tree, 2nd edition, and the Everything Guide to Online Genealogy. She has helped the community with how-to articles, free genealogy lessons, and extensive lists of online genealogical resources. Kimberly shares her love for genealogy and passion for good research. UGA is proud to honor her for building a solid gateway for beginner genealogists that raises the bar for everyone learning to do genealogy research.
And the 2012 Fellow of the Utah Genealogical Association is Linda Turner Gulbrandsen. Linda has done wonderful things in her 4 years as International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists Commissioner, strengthening that organization and raising the bar for the genealogy community. Linda is an AG in the Midwestern Region and is currently the Manager of the US/Canada Research Consultation Services for the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. She has served in publications and marketing for the Federation of Genealogical Societies and held numerous positions on the board of the Utah Genealogical Association including assistant director of the 2000 Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. In the last 4 years she has led ICAPGEN to great innovation including free monthly mentoring classes, online mentoring classes and breaking the levels program into chunks that are more accessible to up and coming genealogists. She has lead the organization in strategic planning and presided over the development of a new website and new testing areas. She co-edited Becoming an Excellent Genealogist: Essays on Professional Research Skills.
Congratulations to all of our UGA Awards recipients. We appreciate your contributions to genealogy education and the advancement of sound genealogical research.