
THIS WEEK ONLY — Special PMC Discount for SLIG Attendees

As a special benefit to SLIG registrants, APG has extended the Early-Bird deadline for APG’s Professional Management Conference. This week only — until Friday, 21 November — you can still receive more than 20% off your PMC registration. Themed “Professional-Grade Genealogy,” PMC 2015 will take place the Thursday and Friday before SLIG (8-9 January 2015) at the downtown Salt Lake City Hilton.

Register now at www.apgen.org/conferences.

Registration for the 2-day conference is open to ALL genealogists. PMC gives you access to unique education, networking, and professional development designed to help professional genealogists — seasoned business owners as well as those entering the industry — achieve success. This includes:

  • 15 BREAKOUT SESSIONS taught by experts including Tom Jones, Judy Russell, and Elissa Scalise Powell covering topics such as professional writing foundations, client communication, and setting fees.
  • $139 IN SPONSOR GIFTS. Each PMC attendee receives: An online professional-development course from The National Institute for Genealogical Studies ($89 value) and a one-year subscription to online data-backup service BackBlaze ($50 value).
  • DISCOUNTED LUNCH on 8 January. A generous donation from sponsor FamilySearch makes lunch just $10 instead of $35! (Seating for this lunch is limited and already more than 85% filled.)
  • KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY ANCESTRY CEO Tim Sullivan, on Thursday, 8 January, will focus on professional genealogists’ vital role in the genealogy industry. Ancestry ProGenealogists is a PMC sponsor.
  • PMC POSTER SESSIONS are an informal, interactive opportunity for professional genealogists from around the world to showcase research, share work, and exchange ideas.
  • DOOR PRIZES, NETWORKING OPS, AND MORE! Valuable door prizes tailored to professional’s needs, APG’s annual member meeting, and Friday evening’s APG dessert reception make PMC 2015 an event not to miss!

Register for PMC 2015 at www.apgen.org/conferences.


The focus of PMC is the following classes and workshops covering topics that showcase “Professional-Grade Genealogy”:

  • “You’ve Got Options: Many Ways to Cite Right,” by Thomas Jones, Ph.D., CG, CGL, FASG, FUGA, FNGS (3-HOUR WORKSHOP)
  • “DNA and Genealogical Proof,” Angie Bush, MS
  • “Measuring Yourself against Standards: A Practical Guide for Improving Your Skills,” by Elissa Scalise Powell, CG, CGL (2-HOUR WORKSHOP)
  • “Time Management: Successfully Balancing the Demands of Our Many ‘Clients,’” by Angela Packer McGhie
  • “Finding Your Niche: Matching Passion, Professionalism, and Pecuniary Interest,” by James M. Beidler
  • “Genealogy Professionals Needed: Help Adoptees Discover Their Genealogical Roots with DNA,” by CeCe Moore (2-HOUR WORKSHOP)
  • “How to Have Difficult Conversations with Clients and Colleagues,” by Christina Grover
  • “Finding the Law,” by Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL
  • “Professional Writing Foundations: 5 Ways to Improve Your Writing Today,” by Anastasia Harman (2-HOUR WORKSHOP)
  • “Get Paid for Your Passion: Setting Fees,” by Elissa Scalise Powell, CG, CGL
  • “Organizing Your Research and Writing with Scrivener,” by Kimberly T. Powell
  • “Taxes and the Professional Genealogist,” by James M. Beidler
  • “Mind Maps for Genealogy,” by Ron Arons, MBA
  • “Self-Publishing for Genealogists,” by Thomas MacEntee
  • “So You Want to Be a Genealogical Speaker,” by Billie Stone Fogarty

Visit www.apgen.org/conferences for full lecture details and speaker biographies and to register to attend PMC 2015.

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