Advanced Evidence Analysis Practicum, Angela Packer McGhie, Karen Matheson, Karen Stanbary, Kimberly Powell, Paul Woodbury, SLIG 2018

Test Your Genealogical Skills!

The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy’s (SLIG’s) Virtual Advanced Evidence Analysis Practicum will run from Saturday, October 13, 2018 to Saturday, November 17, 2018.

This course will test your ability to plan, research, analyze, correlate, and solve a complex genealogical research problem.

Work through one complex case study per week on your own time schedule and then gather online to discuss the case with fellow classmate and the the case instructor to compare strategies, methodologies, difficulties and results.

The course coordinator is Angela McGhie, CG. The 2018 Virtual Practicum features the cases presented at SLIG in January 2018 by the following instructors:

  • Kimberly Powell
  • Karen Stanbary, CG
  • Paul Woodbury
  • Karen Matheson
  • Angela McGhie, CG

Registration opens at 11:00 am MDT on Saturday, June 16th, with early access (9 am MDT) for SLIG 2018 participants. 

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