So Many Ways to Stay in Touch with the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy!

Are you interested in staying abreast of the latest news from the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG)? Let’s count the ways!

1. By email to SLIG

i) Sign up for SLIG e-news

ii) Contact the Director,

iii) Contact the Registrar,

iv) Contact the Marketing Coordinator,

2. Follow SLIG’s Blog

Go to and scroll down. On the right hand side of the page you can click to follow us.

3. Follow us on Twitter

Once signed into your Twitter account, search for us on Twitter by our Twitter name @SLIGinstitute. On our Twitter page, click on the Follow button to subscribe to our tweets. Membership is free and you can join at

4. Follow SLIG on Facebook

To follow us on Facebook you must be a member. To join Facebook go to and sign up. Find us on Facebook at and click on the Like button on the top of our page.

If you are attending SLIG in 2017, you can also follow the event page.

5. Follow SLIG Committee on Google Plus (G+) or just search for sligcommittee.

6. Follow SLIG Institute on Instagram or just search for sliginstitute.

We hope that you will be joining us in January 2017 or at a future institute!

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