Michael Hait, Researching Like a Professional, SLIG 2019

SLIG Scholarship for First-Time Institute Attendees Winner – Jennifer Grimm Henricksen

The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy is pleased to announce that Jennifer Grimm Henricksen is one of the two individuals selected for the the SLIG Scholarship for First-Time Institute Attendees for 2019.

The competition was strong and many candidates submitted worthy applications, in fact it was so difficult that the decision was made to award two scholarships for 2019. The committee determined that Ms. Henricksen’s application effectively conveyed her desire for a more in-depth learning experience at an intermediate (or above) level. Jennifer will be attending “Researching Like a Professional.”

Jennifer noted in her application when her passion for genealogy began and her plans for the future:

“When I started my own family a few years after that, my desire to know where I came from grew. There was still little to no firsthand information – my parents were the first in their families to grow up outside of the south and were the products of parents who moved west, took almost nothing with them, and never looked back. Family history just wasn’t spoken of in my home. I made it my goal to change that. I want my son to grow up knowing who came before him. I want him to know their struggles and their accomplishments.”

“Genealogy has brought together my love of history, sociology, research, technology, and problem solving in a way I never thought possible for someone without a PhD. As much as I would love to research out of the kindness of my heart, genealogy is a time-consuming (and sometimes costly) endeavor and I would like to develop the skills needed to turn my passion into something financially sustainable.”

By attending a week-long institute, Jennifer hopes to expand her knowledge, but also to make connections with fellow genealogists that will help sustain her in her professional endeavors.

Congratulations to Jennifer and we look forward to seeing her in January!

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