SLIG Academy 2021

SLIG Academy 2021- Course 2: Teaching Genealogy Classes in Your Community

SLIG Academy for Professionals has gone virtual for 2021!
Each class has it’s own day and time, so registering for more than one is an option.

Teaching Genealogy Classes in Your Community coordinated by Katherine Willson will be offered
Thursdays, 5:00–7:45 pm MT, 11 February through 8 April 2021.
The goal of this course is to enable advanced genealogists to understand how to provide educational classes in their communities. Students will be learning how to design, plan, and market classes. Financial planning and communication styles will also be addressed.

Other instructors in this course include:

  • Daniel A. Earl, MS
  • Nichelle Barra
For more information on the course, requirements and schedule click here.

Registration for SLIG Academy 2021 begins on Saturday, August 8th at 2:00 pm MDT.

See you at the Academy!

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