SLIG Academy 2021

SLIG Academy 2021- Course 1: Writing and Documenting for Peer Review

SLIG Academy for Professionals has gone virtual for 2021!
Each class has it’s own day and time, so registering for more than one is an option.

Course 1: Writing and Documenting for Peer Review coordinated by Karen Mauer Jones, CG, FGBS, FUGA  will meet Thursdays, 10:00 am–2:00 pm MT, 11 February through 15 April 2021.

This intermediate to advanced course will take a look at the peer-review process to help students understand how to conform to standards to successfully submit work to scholarly journals and credentialing bodies that are consistent and high quality.

Other instructors in this course include:
Catherine B. W. Desmarais, CG
Paul K. Graham, AG, CG, CGL
Thomas W. Jones, PhD, CG, FASG, FUGA, FNGS
Angela Packer McGhie, CG
Karen Stanbary, MA, LCSW, CG

For more information on the course, prerequisites recommended reading, preparation for the course, and class schedule click here.

Registration for SLIG Academy 2021 begins on Saturday, August 8th at 2:00 pm MDT.

See you at the Academy!

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