SLIG 2021

SLIG 2021 Courses Week 1-Mother Russia: Research in the Countries of the Former Russian Empire and USSR

This year, SLIG is going virtual and offering two weeks of programming for you to choose from.
You may register for a course each week!

Week 1: January 10-15, 2021
“Mother Russia: Research in the Countries of the Former Russian Empire and USSR” coordinated by Joseph B. Everett. MLS, AG is an intermediate to advanced course with the goal of helping students develop skills for researching in the region.  Learning the history, methods for tracing immigrants, and working with the Russian alphabet will be part of the curriculum.

Other instructors for this course are :

  • Lara Diamond, MSE
  • Michelle Vance, BA
  • Heather J. Stewart, BA, AG

For more information, requirements, and daily schedule please click here.

Registration begins on Saturday, August 8th at 10 am MDT.

See you virtually at SLIG 2021!

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