J. Mark Lowe, SLIG 2019, SLIG Academy

SLIG 2019 Academy Course Highlight: Developing and Managing an Effective Institute Course

Have you ever thought about developing and managing an institute course? Mark Lowe has developed many popular institute courses over the years and is going to share his expertise in this course.

Coordinator: J. Mark Lowe, CG, FUGA

Other Instructors:

Gail Jackson Miller, CG
Anne Gillespie Mitchell


While learning the tools and guidelines of expanding a defined course of instruction with experienced classroom instructors, students will prepare courses of study (with instructor review.)

  • Discover and understand the development of a detailed scope and sequence
  • Review and evaluate an effective set of classroom resources and tools.
  • Determining the prime choices comparing needs vs available instructors
  • Understanding how story development leads to great learning opportunities
  • Outlining specific skills and knowledge learned
  • Determine how student evaluation will be measured against defined goals

Registration: Registration opens Saturday, 7 July 2018. For more detailed information please visit www.sligacademy.ugagenealogy.org.

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