Cari Taplin, Cyndi Ingle, Dina C. Carson, elissa scalise powell, Events, Gena Philibert-Ortega, Kimberly Powell, mona lambrecht, Pat Roberts, ron arons, SLIG 2018, SLIG experience, tech day

SLIG 2018 Hosts First Tech Day!

The first SLIG Tech Day is scheduled for Saturday, January 20, 2018.  SLIG’s amazing speakers and guest lecturers will present four hands-on workshops, nine classes/demonstrations, and two mini-labs. 
 Check out the schedule of exciting classes!  Tech Day Information
Half-day workshops on Saturday morning feature Gena Philibert-Ortega and Pat Roberts guiding 3 hours of hands-on experience with  Evernote and Ancestry, respectively. 
After lunch, Cari Taplin will share Google’s My Maps while Kimberly Powell presents Scrivener during the last two half-day workshops. 
Workshops require personal laptops with any
pre-requisite software or online tools installed. (Please review specific pre-requisites, if any, listed with the workshop.) Electrical outlets will be
available for each student. 
Not up for 3-hour workshops?  Then consider the nine other 90-minute courses: Cyndi Ingle teaches three tech classes (coordinating programs in the Cloud, foreign language tools and timelines), Dina Carson is presenting 2 courses on best publishing and imaging practices, while Mona Lambrecht will share tips on staying sane while creating a family archive, Elissa Scalise Powell updates our writing skill set and Kimberly Powell creates spreadsheet magic, and instructs us in social network as an analysis tool.
Three mini-labs from 7-8:30 pm are also available: Elissa Scalise Powell will boost our PowerPoint skills and Ron Arons will fascinate with mind mapping.
Don’t miss out! Pre-registration is required to assure seat availability; registration for special events will open on Tuesday, 14 November 2017.
Join us at Tech Day 2018! 

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