Quaker, SLIG, SLIG 2018, Steven W. Morrison

SLIG 2018 Course Highlight: Exploring Quaker Records – at Home and Abroad

Course 7:

 Exploring Quaker Records – at Home and Abroad


Steven W. Morrison, MPA

Ancestry estimates a 50/50 chance of having at least one Quaker connection if your ancestor lived or moved through the Mid-Atlantic region before the American Revolution. This course explores US Quaker meeting records in depth, but also sources in Britain and Ireland. As meticulous record keepers, Quakers collected some unique records and many original records are now available on-line. Untold “brick walls” may be breached with a broader understanding of Quakers and their unique migration patterns.

Level of instruction

Intermediate to Advanced

Other Instructors

Thomas Hamm, PhD
Craig Roberts Scott, MA, CG, FUGA
Darris G. Williams, AG

Visit our web page for full description and bio at www.slig.ugagenealogy.org

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