DNA, Genetic Genealogy, Karen Stanbary, SLIG, SLIG 2018

SLIG 2018 Course Highlight: A Practical Approach: Establishing Genealogical Proof with DNA

Course 13:

 A Practical Approach: Establishing Genealogical Proof with DNA


Karen Stanbary, MA, LCSW, CG

This course is designed for genealogists who are familiar with traditional genealogical research strategies and are interested in learning how to incorporate DNA test results into relationship proofs. This course will cover Y-DNA, mitochondrial DNA, and autosomal DNA testing, analysis, correlation and interpretation. Examples will incorporate the three major testing companies and many tools available for analysis and correlation. Hands-on exercises and case studies will be used to demonstrate how DNA analysis can confirm and expand a pedigree. The emphasis is on the use of DNA test results to solve genealogical brick wall problems using the Genealogical Proof Standard. Participants will leave the course with atDNA analysis software installed with their own data and the skills needed for continuing analysis.
Level of Instruction
Suggested Requirements
Anticipated Target Audience: those well-versed in traditional genealogical research and now wish to add DNA information to confirm and advance their pedigrees and those who wish to use DNA information to blast through genealogical brick walls.
Suggested Prerequisites
Participants will derive the most benefit if they have tested autosomal DNA with at least two of the major testing companies: 23andMe, FTDNA, AncestryDNA. We expect that the participant has at least one test uploaded to GEDmatch. Additionally, it would be most helpful if the participants have tested at least one person’s mtDNA (full-sequence) and one person’s Y-DNA (minimum 37 markers). While specific previous DNA institute courses are not required, we recommend the participants work through the exercises in Genetic Genealogy in Practice and study the answers prior to the institute. The focus will be on problem-solving using DNA test results. We will not cover beginning DNA topics, including inheritance patterns. Participants will need a fully functional laptop (not a chromebook, nor tablet) and the ability to use the operating system and work through internet searches without instruction. This is a fast-paced course. There will not be time to assist participants with technical computer issues.
Other Instructors

  • Melissa Johnson, CG
  • Michael D. Lacopo, DVM
  • Paul Woodbury, BS
Please visit our web page for full course descriptions and bio at www.slig.ugagenealogy.org

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