Pam Sayre Chats About Research and SLIG
June 27, 2012Next up in our SLIG blog series is Pam Sayre, CG, CGL. She’s taken time out of her very busy schedule to answer a few questions for us.
student attend SLIG in general?
opportunity to leave behind every-day cares and responsibilities to time-travel
to visit your ancestors. You’ll spend a week with like-minded people who will
understand your passion and obsession, and you’ll learn from some of the best
genealogical educators in North America.
be fed by the majesty of the snow-capped mountains constantly in view and the
inspiration of the world’s largest genealogical library a short block away
where you’ll most likely want to spend any spare time during the week.
about what makes your SLIG course unique among genealogical education
the curriculum for the Researching in Washington, DC course at SLIG as a way of
leading researchers to federal records and repositories such as the National
Archives, Library of Congress, or DAR Library, which they might never visit in
person. So much is available on the institutions’ websites, but only a portion
of what they hold if you’re fortunate enough to visit in person. However, many
records, especially those held by NARA, can be viewed on microfilm at the
Family History Library in Salt Lake City. So between the online databases at
Washington-area repositories and the film at the FHL, one really can do a lot
of research at home!
researching your family history? Was there a moment when you knew you were
eighth grade language arts teacher in Artesia, New Mexico, taught us about
dialects and regionalisms in the United States, and she told us a bit about the
origin of surnames. We were asked to determine how our surname might have
originated, and I was off to the public library, which had only a couple
shelves of genealogy and heraldry-related books. I learned that my surname,
Boyer, was similar to Bowman or Archer–they were people who used bows and
arrows. That, and an extreme fascination in my parents’ and relatives’ Ozarks
accents and regionalisms, sparked my imagination.
“home” to Missouri from New Mexico to visit relatives, I listened to
the grownups’ conversations about the “old days,” and I asked about
their grandparents and what life was like when they themselves were children.
When I spent summers on my maternal grandparents’ farm, I accompanied my
grandpa to his part-time job at the local school, and I spent that time in the
cemetery across the street. There I found my mother’s mother and brother, her
maternal and paternal grandparents, and a whole slew of other people with their
surnames. Who were these people? I *had* to know. One tombstone in particular
piqued my interest–it read simply, “Joel Westmoreland, Co. D, 12 KY
Inf.” I asked my Grandpa about it, and he said it was his father who had
died when he was a young boy. He didn’t know anything about his military
service. At the time I had no way of knowing that the rounded top of the stone
and the period in which he lived provided the answer – Union veteran of the
Civil War. A couple years later, my Grandpa would give me his mother’s worn
well-read little personal Bible in which lay preserved an original discharge
from the Union Army for Joel Westmoreland. Granny had also placed into her
Bible a hand-written list of all her children’s names and dates of birth, and
that of herself and her husband, Joel, and their marriage date. I was off and
you tell us a little bit about what makes this person so special to you as a
colorful ancestors, who often provide more footprints in court records than in
church records. One of my favorite, though, is Henry Tibbs, a tobacco farmer in
Metcalfe County, Kentucky. This Henry Tibbs (sometimes Tebbs–but spelling
doesn’t count in genealogy) appears at about age 21, and he married Arminta
Smith. Another same-named individual of about the same age has thrown some
researchers off, but there were definitely two Henry Tibbses in the same area.
father by scouring a many-county area of Kentucky and looking at all the Tibbs
men–this Henry doesn’t fit with them. A second cousin once removed proposed a
theory that Henry was actually the son of Nathaniel Parrish, and we did find
that Nathaniel had a son named Henry Parrish, the same age as my Henry, and
Nathaniel married Nancy Tibbs. Aha! One might jump to the conclusion that Nancy
already had a son named Henry Tibbs when she married Nathaniel, but it doesn’t
pan out that way.
become Henry Tibbs, and why did he choose to take his step-mother’s maiden
name? Family lore has come down in several lines of this family, from Kentucky
to California, that Henry Tibbs was Indian (Native American), and everyone
points to the typical “high cheekbones” and “familiarity with
herbs and healing.” It *is* possible that Nathaniel Parrish’s first
as-yet-unidentified wife was Indian, but no proof has been found in censuses
and other records that provide racial or ethnic identity.Two marriage bonds for
a potential marriage of Arminta Smith to 1) Henry Parrish, and a year later to
2) Henry Tibbs support the theory that Henry really was a Parrish and for some yet
unknown reason changed his name to Tibbs when he became 21. I can’t wait to
talk to Great-great-grandpa Henry in the future and find out his whole story!
is the most under-utilized? What advice would you give students in using this
record set?
records, whether civil suits among family members or criminal case proceedings
or federal actions. Court records are not among the easy records to be
“cherry-picked” by new or inexperienced researchers, but they do
yield some of the richest and most exciting details about ancestors who appear
very few other places.
look for indexes for divorce, civil proceedings, or criminal court cases. Bear
in mind that not every person involved in a case will appear in an index, so
you’ll have to pay particular attention to collaterals and neighbors to find
your ancestors. Search automated tools such as Lexis/Nexis for references to
state supreme court cases that mention an ancestor. And at the federal level,
visit the National Archives regional facility that holds the federal court
records for the area where your ancestor.
books or any minutes of court records that exist for evidence of your
ancestors’ presence or dealings with the law. Even illiterate farmers knew how
to use the legal system to sue siblings or other kin over a tiny piece of land
or personal property!
you recommend for intermediate to advanced researchers? Are there any
lesser-known texts you advise?
genealogists don’t use records from the National Archives because they think
it’s too difficult or expensive. I recommend Guide to Genealogical Research in
the National Archives (Eales and Kvasnicka), familiarly called “The Genie
Guide” by many researchers, as a great way to get an overview of the
richness of records available at NARA. Then the three-volume set Guide to
Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States (Matchette),
online and every-word searchable at the NARA website
(, drills down to detail the
record groups held by NARA. These two important reference works are often
ignored or underutilized by intermediate and advanced researchers.
about being a genealogical educator? What advice would you give for those who
would follow in your footsteps?
delighted look on a student’s face that says, “Oh, wow, I could find that
for MY ancestor?” I enjoy follow-up e-mails for former students, sometimes
years later, when they excitedly tell me the details of a new find they made
thanks to something they learned in our class.
labor of love, but teaching someone to explore history and find an ancestor and
then learn just who that person really was in this life–not just a few
dates–that’s a powerful mission that should be cherished and nurtured and
passed on. If you want to teach genealogy, continue to learn yourself. There’s
always more to learn and teach about family history.
Will you share something with us
that students may not know about you? Perhaps a non-genealogical hobby?
besides genealogy? Some of my friends quilt or garden or scrapbook, but I just
do genealogy. I think this fascination is partly rooted in my early career in
law enforcement as an investigator. I’m still investigating, but the cases are
usually very, very cold.
thoughts or advice?
it. If you’re interested in family history, get started now while many family
members can still share their memories and knowledge with you. Ask all kinds of
nosy questions, visit all your extended family, and record what you find with a
note about where you found it and what your opinion of the information is (I
had to sneak in source citation and evidence analysis, even for beginners).
1 Comment(s)
For those of us who cannot attend. Will this be offered later in an online study course.