Angela Packer McGhie, SLIG2017, Virtual Advanced Evidence Analysis Practicum

One Great Course – Two Different Formats

The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) strives to offer quality educational courses that elevate the skills of its students. One of its courses, the Advanced Evidence Analysis Practicum, is only offered through SLIG.

This year will be the first year that this unique course is offered both on-site and in a virtual format.

Angela Packer McGhie, the course coordinator, has created this hands-on experience, which is an opportunity for advanced genealogists to challenge themselves and put their research skills into practice. Participants work on five complex genealogical research problems. The objective is to give students experience in conducting research on complex problems, analyzing and correlating information, and reaching conclusions.

Both formats offer participants practice using indirect evidence, broadening research to include the FAN club, resolving conflicts, and organizing evidence into a written summary. The research problems are varied, offering students the challenge of stretching their mind and skills in directions that their research may not normally take them. Participants will work individually on the each of the cases and then gather to discuss their progress with fellow classmates and the instructor. They will compare sources, strategies and methodologies, discuss difficulties encountered, and receive guidance from the case study author. This course is designed for advanced genealogists who have sufficient experience and education to work on complex genealogical problems.

The virtual format offers the ability to participate in this course from the comfort of your own home while still being able to interact with fellow classmates and the instructor in a virtual environment. Additionally, there are no travel, food or lodging costs and working students do not need to take time from their job to participate.

The on-site format provides students to interact with other advanced genealogists in person, not just just those in their class. One of the best benefits is the opportunity to research at the Family History Library, which is within walking distance from the institute. The week-long course also provides the benefit of dedicated time to focus on the case studies without the distractions of daily life. While the virtual course will showcase cases previously presented in the course, the on-site course offers brand new cases every year and the 2017 course will feature new geographic areas, new methodologies, and new ethnicities not covered in previous practicum courses.

Participating in either format, or in both, provide an excellent opportunity to elevate your genealogical education to new heights! And one you can only get through SLIG.

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