Blaine Bettinger, Debbie Parker Wayne, F. Warren Bittner, Nancy A. Peters, NGS Conference, Rebecca Whitman Koford, SLIG 2020, Thomas W. Jones

NGS Livestreaming Announcement – Closes May 8, 2019

Sharing a recent post by NGS. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from current and past SLIG instructors!

The National Genealogical Society will live stream ten lectures by nationally recognized speakers on some of the most popular topics in the field of genealogy during its 2019 Family History Conference. On Thursday, 09 May, three live stream lectures will focus on DNA’s role in supplementing genealogical research. Also that day, two other talks will discuss ethnic research. The five selections on Friday, 10 May feature lectures sponsored by the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) that emphasize research, analysis, and problem-solving skills. NGS members and non-members across the United States and overseas, who are unable to attend the conference in person, are invited to sign-up for these live stream broadcasts.

Registrants for live stream can sign up for a one-day or a two-day pass.

Thursday, 9 May 2019: Viewers will be able to stream five lectures from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. (CDT), including:

  • The Fisherman Who Wanted to Marry the Executioner’s Daughter: Stories From German Marriage Sources—Warren Bittner, CG®
  • UK Sources for Irish Immigrants—John Grenham, FIGRS, FGSI
  • Using a DNA Map to Navigate Your Brick Walls—Blaine T. Bettinger, JD, PhD
  • Finding Relatives Through DNA When Family Trees Do Not Exist—Bernice Bennett
  • DNA: King Arthur’s Mighty Genetic Lightsaber—Roberta J. Estes

Friday, 10 May 2019: Five BCG Skillbuilding lectures will be live streamed from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. (CDT), including:

  • Context: A Powerful Tool for Problem-Solving—Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGLSM, FASG, FNGS, FUGA
  • Writing the Family Narrative: A Strategy for Breaking Down Brick Walls—Rebecca Whitman Koford, CG, CGL
  • Building a Credible Lineage Despite Missing Information, Conflicting and Incorrect Records, and Undocumented Publications—Thomas Wright Jones, PhD, CG, CGL, FASG, FNGS, FUGA
  • Reporting on Research: Standards Encourage Better Communication—Nancy A. Peters, CG, CGL
  • Writing a Conclusion Incorporating DNA Evidence—Debbie Parker Wayne, CG, CGL

Find details about the live stream program, plus additional conference recordings, on the PlaybackNGS Website.

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