Advanced Genealogical Methods, Chinese, church, DNA, Forensic, Genealogical Standards, Genetic Genealogy, Hispanic, immigration, Land, Legal, Maryland, Public Speaking, Reports, SLIG 2020, SLIG Academy, Virginia

In 2020, Celebrate 25 Years with SLIG!

In January 2020, the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) is celebrating 25 years — its silver anniversary — of bringing quality instruction to students to elevate their genealogical education to new heights.

SLIG will be held starting Sunday, January 12th, and concluding with a banquet on Friday, January 17th. The following fifteen courses are available:

  • Course 1: Settlers in the New World and Immigrants to a New Nation: Colonial Times to 1900
  • Course 2: Guide to Treasures Found in Federal Records
  • Course 3: Early US Church Records
  • Course 4: Advanced Research Tools: Land Records
  • Course 5: Corpus Juris: Advanced Legal Concepts for Genealogy
  • Course 6: Virginia from the Colonial Period to the Civil War: Her Records, Her People, Her Laws
  • Course 7: Maryland: Researching in the Old Line State
  • Course 8: Chinese Ancestry: Research Methods and Sources
  • Course 9: Advanced Hispanic Research
  • Course 10: Introduction to Genetic Genealogy
  • Course 11: Meeting Standards Using DNA Evidence–Research Strategies
  • Course 12: Researching Like a Professional
  • Course 13: Applying Standards to Appraise Genealogical Work
  • Course 14: Advanced Genealogical Methods
  • Course 15: Technical Writing for Genealogists 

The Academy will be held the following week, January 19th to the 24th, and the following seven courses are available:

  • Academy Course 1: The Art of Writing Client Reports
  • Academy Course 2: You’re Invited: Public Speaking from Concept to Delivery
  • Academy Course 3: Building and Nurturing a Successful Genealogy Business
  • Academy Course 4: DNA for the 21st-Century Professional
  • Academy Course 5: Fundamentals of Forensic Genealogy
  • Academy Course 6: Writing and Documenting for Peer Review
  • Academy Course 7: Project Management Essentials for the Professional Genealogist

Registration for SLIG will open at 9:00 am MDT on Saturday, July 13th, with registration for the Academy opening at 2:00 pm MDT.

To facilitate quick check-out with your course, special events are added to
your registration separately.

Lodging reservations also open on July 13th.

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