Consultation, Craig R. Scott, Genealogical Research, Guided Research, SLIG 2020

Experience the Power of a Personal Guide for Your Research

Experience the power of having your own personal guide for an entire week as you research both online and in the Family History Library. 

Students will review progress and findings in regular group meetings and in one-on-one consultations throughout the week as they work on their own personal research projects. Assistance will be available as needed during specific research hours.

Students should bring their own research project – all notes, prior research, copies of records, etc., along with their own laptop for research – and be prepared to provide a short overview of their goals and project.

Peg Ivanyo, SLIG director, shared:

“I had the opportunity to sit down with Craig Scott to learn more about this course while at NGS in May – how it would work, what students might experience, and what they could reasonably expect. ‘But first,’ I said, ‘I need to ask you a question.’

“I pulled out the material I had retrieved at the National Archives at St. Louis the previous day. One question led to another, and to another. By the time we finished, Craig had lined up the documents in chronological order, interpreted their meaning, provided insight into the nuances, and helped me identify where additional records might be found – those important next steps! 

“We then chuckled at the fact that he had just demonstrated exactly what it would be like if I were a student in this course every day all week long. Now, I could definitely spend a week like that!”

Students should note that this is a full, week-long course. It is not possible to take this and another SLIG course at the same time. However, optional one-hour consultations will be available to purchase separately and will be offered in the evenings. 

The course will meet at the Hilton on Sunday, then at the Family History Library daily. RSVP will be required for morning shuttles to the FHL.

With a little help, you can elevate your research to the next level!

Go HERE for more information. Registration opens this Saturday! 

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