Angela Packer McGhie, Catherine B W Desmarais, David E. Rencher, David Ouimette, DNA, FTDNA, Genealogical Standards, Karen Stanbary, LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, Melissa Johnson, Richard G. Sayre, Thomas W. Jones

Enter the DNA Dreamers

I had the opportunity to watch from the sidelines as Karen Stanbary developed this all-new course for SLIG: Meeting Standards Using DNA Evidence – Research Strategies. I admit that the title almost sounds a bit dry, and the prerequisites seem a bit daunting. But oh, if you can meet them and get to attend . . . what an amazing experience awaits!

Students taking this course will, in Karen’s words: “Dissect familiar skills with a DNA Twist.” 

Let’s take a peek inside the classroom as it will exist in January:

Cases only Solvable with DNA Evidence

There are no fewer than eight (8) other instructors besides Karen presenting in this course. Each credentialed. Each with a strong DNA research background.

I see 15 case studies being presented – each one representing a long-standing brick wall that could not be solved without the skillful of DNA along with documentary sources. I see a panel of experts discussing the school of hard knocks so we can avoid the same mistakes.

I see the brain fog clearing and fear lifting as one learns how to apply the newly minted DNA-Related standards and the Genealogical Proof Standard to their work through daily dissection of cases and research strategies.

DNA Dreamers

Imagine being part of a DNA case “think tank” – analyzing, discussing, making recommendations to help the researcher decide on the best approach to resolution. Even more exciting – what if the case being discussed was one of yours? Several lucky students will provide a written summary of a real-life “stuck” case for the class to study and discuss. 

The “dreamers” discussions are optional, held after regular classroom hours, and not required to receive the completion certificate, but why would I not want to participate? Wow, just wow, is about all I can say.

Golden Nuggets

Naturally many handy tips and strategies will surface throughout the week. Students will collaborate to capture them into a take-home “Golden Nuggets Quicksheet.” 

Thanks Karen for taking the time to put together this amazing course for SLIG 2020 students. 

And thanks to FamilyTreeDNA for their ongoing sponsorship support which enables us to take things to a new level when it comes to DNA education!

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