DNA, South Davis Conference

DNA and more DNA!

The 20th annual South Davis Conference will be offering two classes on DNA this year.

Finding Haplogroup Happiness :This class explains how haplogroups can be more than a haphazard aid in your research. Come see several examples of how haplogroups can cut your research time into a heavenly half. We will be looking at simple ways to incorporate haplogroups into your personal research style. 

Take 2! will be presented by Stephanie Saylor at the South Davis Family History Fair on the 22nd of April 2017. This class gives you a tour of 2 sites (GEDmatch and Promethease) and explains how they help you to get more from your DNA results. GEDmatch has wonderful tools to further your genetic genealogy research. Promethease allows you to pull up information from your raw data on medical and other implications of your DNA results.  

Stephanie Saylor holds a degree in biology and worked in research before transitioning to genetic genealogy. She currently teaches and organize genetic genealogy webinars, with Kent Jaffa and Peg Ivanyo, for Utah Genealogical Association’s DNA Interest group and gives classes and presentations upon request. 

She firmly believes that solid research techniques can help us get to know our ancestors on a deeper level, even when traditional documentation is missing or conflicting, and she hopes to be able to help others who have an interest in genealogy use biology, and genetics gain the confidence needed to further their research goals.

You can see information on Stephanie’s presentations, handouts, and research aids on FoundingFamilyLines.com’s DNA page.

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