Karen Mauer Jones, New York, SLIG Virtual, SLIG Virtual 2021

Course Spotlight: Researching New York: Resources and Strategies

Always wanted to study New York research with Karen Mauer Jones, but either didn’t get into the class or couldn’t attend in January? This amazing course is now being offered in the fall. Virtually. Over multiple weeks. Offering plenty of hands-on opportunities to apply what you learn.

Experience All of New York. New York requires a genealogist to be knowledgeable to find success from the big city to rural farmlands, diversity of ethnic backgrounds, and complicated history. This course is equipped to bring you the needed skills to tackle the complexities of researching in the state. Following paths from both urban and rural areas and exploring various records, this course shows a researcher how to research in all of New York.

History and Records. This class will include New York history related to research methods and outline record creation and preservation across the state. Gaining knowledge of locating and using a wide variety of record types will be a major emphasis of the course. Topics will include immigration/migration, laws and the legal system, military records, ethnic groups, land and property, urban research, transportation records, newspapers, probate, directories, censuses, and more.

The full schedule for this course, faculty bios, and course details can be found here.

Join us for SLIG Virtual 2021

SLIG Virtual 2021 will be the 6th annual fall virtual program for SLIG. Six courses will run as part of this year’s program on topics from methodology to DNA to research in New York, China, and Russia. Courses will run virtually via Zoom, each featuring nationally recognized experts in their field. Schedules vary. 
Learn more about SLIG Virtual 2021. Registration opens on June 19th, 2021, at 12:00 noon MDT. Create a registration account today! If you have any questions, please reach out to the UGA registrar: registrar@slig.ugagenealogy.org.

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