SLIG Academy for Professionals 2023: Do You Have Your Seat Yet?
Seats are still available for some of the SLIG Academy for Professionals 2023 courses. Grab yours while they last! Some seats are still available for: DNA Dreamers in Action: Writing Proof Arguments (coordinated by Karen Stanbary, MA, LCSW, CG) Fundamentals of Forensic …
SLIG 2023: Seats Are Going Fast! Have You Registered?
Seats are still available for some of the SLIG 2023 courses. Grab yours while they last! Some seats are still available for: Behind the Scenes at FamilySearch: Technology and Features (coordinated by David E. Rencher, AG, CG, FUGA, FIGRS) Advanced Techniques: Material …
SLIG Virtual 2020: Have You Registered Yet?
Seats are still available for some of the SLIG Virtual 2022 courses. Grab yours while they last! Some seats are still available for: Intermediate Foundations (coordinated by Annette Burke Lyttle, MA) Proving Your Pedigree with DNA––1 seat available (coordinated by Karen Stanbary, …
Waitlists: Updates, Tips, and Magical Solutions
Waitlists are an inevitable part of institute course registration. Courses fill. Sometimes very quickly. Oh how we wish they didn’t need to do that! Run out of seats we mean. But if they must, then the answer lies in fair application and …