WANTED: Hive Minders for SLIG 2024 and SLIG Spring Virtual 2024
Hive Minders make our virtual classrooms function smoothly, addressing challenges that arise. If you are comfortable with technology, consider applying to serve during one of the courses offered during SLIG 2024 or SLIG Spring Virtual 2024. Hive Minder job responsibilities include: starting …
WANTED: Hive Minders for SLIG 2023 and SLIG Academy for Professionals 2023
Hive Minders make our virtual classrooms function smoothly, addressing challenges that arise. If you are comfortable with technology, consider applying to serve during one of the courses offered during SLIG 2023 and SLIG Academy for Professionals 2023. Hive Minder job responsibilities include: …
SLIG 2023: Behind the Scenes at FamilySearch: Technology and Features
You already likely know about FamilySearch as the go-to website for anyone wanting to research their ancestors. Did you know that FamilySearch is also an organization with a proud 128-year history and that constantly grows and keeps current with new opportunities? This …
Workshop Highlight: Using Google MyMaps
Using Google’s MyMaps as a Research and Analysis Tool Cari A. Taplin, CG Learn to use Google’s “My Maps” as a research and analysis tool including how to create custom maps, tips for genealogical applications, and real-life examples. This workshop includes interactive …
Workshop Highlight: Tools for Analyzing and Visualizing
Tools for Analyzing & Visualizing Family History and DNA Networks Kimberly Powell Network analysis and visualization–commonly used in areas such as social media analysis, biology/medicine, and business data analytics–offers exciting possibilities for exploring ancestral connections and making sense of DNA matches. Join …
Workshop Highlight: Organize and Write with Scrivener
Organize Your Research and Your Writing with Scrivener Kimberly Powell This hands-on workshop will teach you how to utilize Scrivener to help plan, organize, write, and publish your family research. We’re going to walk through setting up your first Scrivener project through …
Workshop Highlight: Organizational Tools
Get Your Life Back: Organizational Tools for the Professional Genealogist Jessica M. Taylor This workshop will dive into tools to help you balance your work life AND succeed as a professional genealogist. We’ll discuss scheduling and life balance tools, communication tools, project …
The Millennial Genealogist At South Davis.
Zachary Hamilton is also known as “The Millennial Genealogist”. He grew up in southern Missouri and has spent most of his adult life in Idaho. Despite his young age, Zachary has been participating in his own family’s research for nearly 20 years. Professionally, …