SLIG 2023 General Sponsor: MyHeritage
The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy wishes to thank MyHeritage for its generosity as a general sponsor for SLIG 2023. With billions of historical records and family tree profiles and with sophisticated matching technologies that work across all its assets, MyHeritage enables …
SLIG 2023 Course Sponsor: FamilySearch
The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy wishes to thank FamilySearch for its generosity in sponsoring the Behind the Scenes at FamilySearch: Technology and Features, coordinated by David E. Rencher, AG, CG, FUGA, FIGRS, during SLIG 2023. FamilySearch International is the largest genealogy …
SLIG 2023 Course Sponsor: AncestryProGenealogists
The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy wishes to thank AncestryProGenealogists for its generosity in sponsoring the Advanced Genealogical Methods course, coordinated by Paul K. Graham, AG, CG, CGL, during SLIG 2023. AncestryProGenealogists is the professional research division of Ancestry. They give you …
SLIG 2023: Seats Are Going Fast! Have You Registered?
Seats are still available for some of the SLIG 2023 courses. Grab yours while they last! Some seats are still available for: Behind the Scenes at FamilySearch: Technology and Features (coordinated by David E. Rencher, AG, CG, FUGA, FIGRS) Advanced Techniques: Material …
SLIG 2023 and SLIG Academy 2023 Registration Begins July 16
SLIG 2023 registration opens July 16, 2022, at 10:00 am MDT. SLIG Academy for Professionals 2023 registration opens July 16, 2022, at 2:00 pm MDT. Course Information: Still wondering which courses are right for you? Check these courses out! SLIG 2023–meets online January …
SLIG 2023: Guided Research and Consultation
Do you want some guidance on your current genealogy research project? Do you want a week to focus just on your project questions but would like some expert advice on how to proceed? Try Craig Scott’s Guided Research and Consultation course during SLIG …
SLIG 2023: Applied Genealogical Methods Workshop: Hands-on Skillbuilding
Looking for a course that takes you on your next step beyond Intermediate Foundations, but you’re not quite ready for Advanced Genealogical Methods? This is that “in-between” course that might be right for you! Applied Genealogical Methods Workshop: Hands-on Skillbuilding, coordinated by …
SLIG 2023: Advanced Genealogical Methods
Are you an intermediate-level genealogist, comfortable with research but ready to tackle more challenging and complex genealogical problems? Do you want to learn more advanced research skills? Maybe it’s the right moment for you to take Advanced Genealogical Methods! Advanced Genealogical Methods, …
SLIG 2023: Advanced Research Techniques for German Genealogy
Offered for the first time, this course will teach you how to research your German-speaking ancestors. Advanced Research Techniques for German Genealogy, coordinated by Michael D. Lacopo, DVM, will bring you into conversation with knowledgeable speakers from both sides of the Atlantic …