The Folks Behind the Scenes at SLIG
It takes a village to run a program. Or something like that 🙂 These are the folks behind the scenes at SLIG 2021: committee members that work year-round, some who join in the fun for the last few months or weeks, and …
SLIG 2021 Special Events
SLIG 2021 may be virtual, but there will be plenty of the traditional SLIG Experience throughout. We have already posted about our Wrap-up event and keynote speaker. Here are the other events you won’t want to miss! All-Participant Orientation Sunday, January 10th, 5:00 …
SLIG Wrap-up Event and Keynote 2021
In keeping with our theme for SLIG 2021, we are pleased to announce that LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson will be addressing us at the SLIG Wrap-up Event. SLIG Wrap-up Event and UGA Awards Friday, January 29, 2021, 5:00 – 6:30 pm MST What will …
Workshop Highlight: Using Google MyMaps
Using Google’s MyMaps as a Research and Analysis Tool Cari A. Taplin, CG Learn to use Google’s “My Maps” as a research and analysis tool including how to create custom maps, tips for genealogical applications, and real-life examples. This workshop includes interactive …
Workshop Highlight: Organize and Write with Scrivener
Organize Your Research and Your Writing with Scrivener Kimberly Powell This hands-on workshop will teach you how to utilize Scrivener to help plan, organize, write, and publish your family research. We’re going to walk through setting up your first Scrivener project through …
Workshop Highlight: Resume Building – on paper AND LinkedIn
Resume Building and Digital Presence Janell Esplin This workshop will dive into two aspects of building your professional resume – the one on paper AND your presence on LinkedIn. In the first part of the workshop, we will discuss your professional genealogical …
Workshop Highlight: Organizational Tools
Get Your Life Back: Organizational Tools for the Professional Genealogist Jessica M. Taylor This workshop will dive into tools to help you balance your work life AND succeed as a professional genealogist. We’ll discuss scheduling and life balance tools, communication tools, project …
SLIG Theme 2021: Commitment to Excellence
Understatement: this past year has been a difficult one for most. We have faced a combination of challenges that many of us never thought we would see in our lifetime – from fires and earthquakes to civil unrest, financial upheaval, political turmoil, …
SLIG 2021 First-Time Attendee Scholarship Winner Announced
Jamie Wasilchenko of Newaygo, Michigan has been selected by the scholarship committee as the winner of the SLIG First Time Attendee for 2021. She will be attending the Russian course. Jamie Wasilchenko has been doing genealogy since she was in elementary school when a teacher unintentionally gave …
SLIG 2021 Registration Experience
Has anyone been on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride at Disneyland? Does it even still exist? If so, I’m sure it has changed since I last experienced it! Still, the title alone helps one envision Mr. Toad’s vehicle dashing this way and that, …