Did You Hear? SLIG Will Offer Two Educational Opportunities in 2019!
SLIG 2019 is going to be a banner year for genealogical education opportunities. Peg Ivanyo, SLIG Director, announced the new, two-week format at the SLIG 2018 banquet. It was designed to better meet the advanced educations needs of the genealogical community. SLIG …
Stay in Touch with the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy!
Here are ways that you can stay abreast of the latest news from the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG)? Let’s count the ways! 1. By email to SLIGi) Sign up for SLIG e-newsii) Contact the Director, director@slig.ugagenealogy.org iii) Contact the Registrar, registrar@slig.ugagenealogy.org iv) Contact the Marketing Coordinator, marketing@slig.ugagenealogy.org …
SLIG Welcomed First Time Attendees!
In 2018, the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy welcomed 88 first-time attendees to the Institute. That was almost one quarter of the total attendance of 382 students. It was exciting for us to see so many new faces! …
Visit Us at RootsTech 2018!
Vist us at booth 1207 / 9 The annual RootsTech genealogy conference is happening Feb. 28-Mar. 3, 2018 and the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy will be there too! Please stop by our large booth and talk to us about our …
AncestryProGenealogists Scholarship Announced
Application Deadline December 31, 2017 Ancestry recently announced that it is now accepting applications for the AncestryProGenealogists Scholarships to genealogical institutes, established to “foster and support professional genealogists in their ongoing development efforts.” “The AncestryProGenealogists Scholarship Program will provide four scholarships that will …