My Experience with SLIG’s “Corpus Juris” Course
As genealogists researching and compiling the history of our families, we need to understand the time and place in which they lived. A crucial part of that understanding is learning about the laws that were in effect and their impact on our …
Are you excited to register for SLIG 2019?
Only two weeks before registration opens! Here are some helpful links for you as you contemplate what course you are going to take from the many available. Don’t forget that you can make it a two-week extravaganza by attending both SLIG 2019 …
SLIG Academy for Professionals
This new program will follow SLIG 2019, beginning on Monday, January 21st, and will focus on professional development topics not offered at SLIG or elsewhere in a week-long, in-depth format. It will open with a special event to commemorate the life and …
SLIG 2019 Course Highlight: Advanced Southern Research and Sources
Coordinator & Instructor: J. Mark Lowe, CG, FUGA Additional Instructors: Deborah A. Abbott, PhD Kelvin L. Meyers Anne Gillespie Mitchell Ari Wilkins Description: This course will address more advanced methods in Southern research and look at lesser-known records and resources that can aid …
SLIG 2019 Course Highlight: Exploring Native American Research
Instructors: Rick Fogarty Billie Stone Fogarty, MEd Paul K. Graham, CG, AG Melissa Johnson, CG Paula Stuart-Warren, CG, FMGS, FUGA Course Description: Many people have stories of Native American ancestors in their family history but do not know where to begin breaking …
SLIG 2019 Course Highlight: Burned Counties and More: Overcoming Record Loss
Course Coordinator: Kelvin L. Meyers Instructors: Victor S. Dunn, CG Paul K. Graham, AG, CG Patricia L. Hobbs, CG Angela Packer McGhie, CG Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL Michael L. Strauss, AG Ari Wilkins Description: We all face it: record loss. …
SLIG 2019 Course Highlight: Researching New York: Resources and Strategies
Coordinator: Karen Mauer Jones, CG, FGBS Other Instructors: Thomas W. Jones, PhD, CG, CGL, FASG, FUGA, FNGS Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL Richard G. Sayre, CG, CGL, FUGA Jane E. Wilcox Description: Research in New York is complicated by its urban-rural extremes and …
SLIG 2019 Course Highlight: Reading Gothic Script and Fraktur
Coordinator: F. Warren Bittner, CG Other Instructors: Baerbel Johnson, AG Daniel R. Jones, MS, AG Description: German handwriting is troublesome with seven forms of the letter s, h’s that look like f’s, e’s that look like n’s, p’s that look like nothing …