SLIG 2024: The Family History Law Library
Want to know one of the key differences between a good genealogist and a great one? Knowledge of and experience with court records! And who better to learn from than The Legal Genealogist herself, Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL, and the …
2022 SLIG Wrap Up Keynote: “Coping with Covid and Genealogical Research–Flexibility Needed”–Richard G. Sayre, CG, CGL, FUGA
The theme for 2022 SLIG has been “Flexibility,” taking its cue from Genealogy Standard 16. (Board for Certification of Genealogists, Genealogy Standards, second edition revised [Nashville: Ancestry, 2021], p. 14.) Rick Sayre’s keynote at the 2022 SLIG Wrap-Up Event spoke to that …
Course Spotlight: Advanced Land Tools: Maps
Have you ever wanted to visualize an ancestor’s migration route, get help with locating boundaries, or learn more about the place your family lived? Advanced Land Tools: Maps will offer education on all of these topics and more at SLIG 2022. As the …
Finding Clues Hidden in the Records with the Advanced Legal Concepts Course – A Discussion with Judy Russell
Corpus Juris: Advanced Legal Concepts for Genealogy is unique learning opportunity for those who want to use legal records to uncover clues about the past. Participants will experience hands-on research in the University of Utah Law Library and receive instruction on a …
SLIG Instructors at FGS on Thursday, August 22nd!
FGS opens on Wednesday, August 21st in Washington, DC. For those attending SLIG in 2020, you can get a preview of what you will experience, since many SLIG instructors and coordinators will be sharing their expertise throughout the conference. If you are …
Solid Research Requires a Solid Foundation
Do you have one experience in genealogy and are now looking to enhance your research skills? If so, this course is for you! In just six week starting Tuesday, September 10th and running for 11 weeks until November 19th, Sara Scribner, CG, …
John Doe & Richard Roe … What it all means!
This course offers students an opportunity for a deeper understanding of the rich research resources of the law, including those generally available only at law libraries. This is critical when conducting research to ensure you understand the meaning of the records you …
Treasures in Federal Records
Do you recognize the building in this photo? It is the National Archives building located in Washington, DC. Michael Strauss is going to play the part of Nicholas Cage’s character in National Treasure to lead his students through the wonders that Federal Records …