SLIG Spring Virtual 2024: Editing Genealogical Writing
Editors are not born editors. They become skilled at their craft by editing their own writing. They play with words, massaging their thoughts, turning sentences and paragraphs on end, reducing paragraphs to sentences, ripping out irrelevant thoughts, and experimenting with organization. Editing …
SLIG Academy for Professionals 2023: Writing and Documenting for Peer Review
Do you want to improve your writing? Maybe you want to prepare your research for peer review. Do you have a dream of seeing your work published in a peer-reviewed journal? Improve your writing skills with Writing and Documenting for Peer Review …
Course Spotlight: Writing and Documentation for Peer Review
Have you ever wanted to improve your writing? Do you want to know how to prepare your research for peer review? Is it your dream to have your work published in a peer review journal? Improve your skills and prepare yourself by …
Course Spotlight: Researching New York: Resources and Strategies
Always wanted to study New York research with Karen Mauer Jones, but either didn’t get into the class or couldn’t attend in January? This amazing course is now being offered in the fall. Virtually. Over multiple weeks. Offering plenty of hands-on opportunities …
The 2019 APG Professional Management Conference is in Salt Lake City
The Association of Professional Genealogists is celebrating their 40th anniversary in 2019. Their 2019 Professional Management Conference commenced today and runs through Saturday, September 21st. There are SLIG coordinators and instructors who will be sharing their knowledge and expertise during this conference. …
SLIG Instructors at FGS on Thursday, August 22nd!
FGS opens on Wednesday, August 21st in Washington, DC. For those attending SLIG in 2020, you can get a preview of what you will experience, since many SLIG instructors and coordinators will be sharing their expertise throughout the conference. If you are …
Professionals need to polish their skills too!
Registration for SLIG’s Academy 2020 opens on Saturday, July 13th at 2 pm MDT. Take a look at the courses the Academy has geared for the professional: The Art of Writing Client Reports, Coordinator: Angela Packer McGhie, CG You’re Invited: Public Speaking …
Which Writing Course is Right for Me?
Genealogists can never learn too much about how to write and write well. With three writing courses between SLIG and the Academy for Professionals in 2020, students have a tough choice to make. So, what is the difference? How do you know …
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