SLIG Spring Virtual 2024: The Art of Writing a Research Report
Want to effectively capture your research whether writing for yourself or a client? Do you find writing effective research reports to be a challenge? Here’s a course that will provide instruction and hands-on experience in creating an efficient and effective report. In …
SLIG Instructors at FGS on Thursday, August 22nd!
FGS opens on Wednesday, August 21st in Washington, DC. For those attending SLIG in 2020, you can get a preview of what you will experience, since many SLIG instructors and coordinators will be sharing their expertise throughout the conference. If you are …
Did you know that Maryland …
is one of two states, along with Delaware, which gave up some of its land to help form the nation’s capital of Washington, D.C in 1790? Located in the Mid-Atlantic, Maryland is a small state with great diversity. It has been said …
Maryland: America in Microcosm
Located in the Mid-Atlantic, Maryland is a small state with great diversity. It has been said that it represents America in microcosm. From Western Maryland, which was Maryland’s last frontier, to the Eastern Shore, which is part of the Delmarva Peninsula and …
Behind the Scenes at SLIG: Debra Hoffman
Another dynamic member of the Salt Lake institute of Genealogy (SLIG) 2018 committee, Debra A. Hoffman, lives in New Windsor, Maryland. She brings to the committee 35 years of family research experience and five years business experience as owner of Hoffman Genealogical …