
The Most Important Reason to Attend the Salt Lake Institute is…

Genealogy Friends!

My friends and family are very supportive of my passion for genealogy. But let’s face it, sometimes their eyes begin to glaze over when I talk about my ancestors and my latest genealogy find. And sometimes they feel I like the dead a little more than I like the living!

However, with genealogy friends they like hearing about your finds as much as they like sharing their latest discovery. Nothing beats sharing a passion with someone who is like-minded.

I have met so many wonderful new friends by attending the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Spending a week immersed in a course with other students gives you the time to really get to connect with a new friend. You have a chance to talk during breaks, share lunch together and head on down to the Family History Library after class.

Join us in January 2016 and see what I mean! With thirteen courses to chose from, the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy offers something for everyone! With only eight courses left with seats remaining, now is the time to register. For more information, see http://www.infouga.org/aem.php?lv=p&epg=87.

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