
Elevate your genealogical education by attending an institute!

Did you know that by attending an institute you have a better chance of success of achieving certification and/or accreditation?

The Board for Certification of Genealogists knows this and it is why on their website they say “[s]uccess in almost every field is built upon four cornerstones:
specialized education, practical experience, a desire to
excel, and a determination to do a superior job of every
task. The successful applicant for certification exhibits these traits.”

Attending the Salt Lake Institute in Genealogy can help you prepare and provide you with a superior educational opportunity that will help you achieve all your goals!

The courses are filling up, so register now! With only eight courses left with seats remaining, now is the time to register. For more information, see http://www.infouga.org/aem.php?lv=p&epg=87. 

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