the SLIG completion banquet. The
organization reached out to board members as well as past Fellows of UGA and
Silver Tray award winners for nominations to be considered. The awards were presented by Bret Petersen, UGA President.
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Bret Petersen presents the FUGA award to Thom Edlund |
K. Edlund, a
specialist in East European area studies, languages and record sources, was
presented with the UGA Fellow award.
Thom entered the profession of genealogy at the Family History Library
following a career with the USA Intelligence and Security Command. As the first Slavic bibliographer, he created
and codified collection development and catalogued standards for nine countries.
He was a founding member of the FamilySearch Issues Group, created to
investigate and actualize the corporatizing of FamilySearch. He also conducted private research,
specializing in Balkan, Russo-German, and Jewish research.
University, where he has developed and instructed curricula for Latin source documents,
Slavic source documents, advanced Latin paleography, Church Slavonic, Slavic
paleography, and micro-regional/local history research methodology. He serves as department chair for Cataloging
and Metadata at the Harold B. Lee Library and represents the university as the
East European Areas Studies Librarian.
East European Family History Studies (FEEFHS), where he has actively served in
various roles for over twenty years, including ten years as the FEEFHS Journal editor. He has most recently affected change in the
FEEFHS organizational structure toward support of a more substantial role in
education, indexing, and record discovery projects.
250 conference presentations. He also
acts as a representative for family history in multiple organizations outside
the genealogy industry. We welcome Thom to the FUGA family.
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Dick Eastman accepts the Silver Tray award on the anniversary of the first release of his newsletter |
(Dick) Eastman could
have stayed home and opened the bubbly to celebrate the twentieth anniversary
of the first edition of Eastman’s Online
Genealogy Newsletter. Instead, he celebrated
with UGA board members, SLIG committee members, coordinators, instructors, and
students at the 21st annual SLIG banquet.
presented Dick with the Silver Tray Award.
The award is given annually for scholarly contributions to the field of
genealogy, traditionally demonstrated through publication efforts. That the
banquet was on the 15th of January, exactly twenty years from the
date of his first release, was almost too good to be true, and Dick flew in
just for the special occasion.
more than 30 years. He also worked in
the computer industry in software, hardware, and management positions, for more
than 40 years. The two interests merged
continually throughout his career, starting with the use of a mainframe
computer to enter his family data on punch cards back in the 1970s.
Wide Web, Dick started a Genealogy Forum on CompuServe, the leading commercial
online service of the day. In 1995, he
decided to start a small weekly e-newsletter.
It began on January 15, 1996 with about 100 recipients and has since
grown into a daily electronic publication, now read by 75,000 people around the
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Janet Hovorka receives an Award of Merit from Bret Petersen |
Hovorka, past-president
of UGA, received the President’s Award of Merit. Janet served as vice president of UGA in
2009, and as president from 2010 to 2013.
Under her leadership, UGA developed new committee initiatives, long term
planning, and doubled membership. During
her two-term tenure, Janet worked with various committees, including education,
publicity, publications, exhibits, chapters, historical, award, website, and
volunteer resources.
as the vendor liaison for the UGA South Davis Conference for five years,
oversaw the UGA Sandy conference for two years, the joint UGA/ICAPGen
conference in 2013, and helped provide oversight for UGA’s partnership role in
the National Genealogical Society Conference held in Salt Lake City in
and information science, is an instructor in the genealogy certificate program
at Salt Lake Community College, lectures on various topics across the country
and internationally, is an author, and is owner of Family ChartMasters.