John Colletta, SLIG2017

John Philip Colletta’s Webinar on “The Germanic French”

Nothing beats the institute experience of spending a week with genealogy friends and genealogical experts, like John Philip Colletta. 

However, while waiting to attend the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) in January 2017, you can still have the opportunity to hear from own genealogy experts as they present at other venues.

SLIG Coordinator, John Philip Colletta, who will be coordinating Course 7, “Settlers in the New World and Immigrants to New Nation: Researching Ancestors from Overseas,” is presenting a free Legacy Family Tree webinar on “The Germanic French: Researching Alsatian and Lorrainian Families” on Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 2 PM EDT. To register:

As noted on the website, this webinar “explains how a significant population of German-speakers came to reside in France and explores the peculiarities of researching ancestors of Alsace, Lorraine, and Elsass-Lothringen.”

John is a knowledgeable and entertaining speaker and his events provide an opportunity to elevate your genealogical education! 

If you have not registered for SLIG yet and are interested in learning more about John’s course or the other offerings, go to

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