SLIG 2018, SLIG experience

SLIG Sunday Church Activities

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Music and the Spoken Word features the Mormon Tabernacle
Choir in a live performance on Sunday at 10 am in the historic round tabernacle
on Temple Square. The Choir sings several musical selections amid an uplifting narrated
theme.  Admission is
free, doors open at 8:25 a.m. and guests should be seated by 9:15 a.m., when
the doors are closed. The broadcast ends at 10 am.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir also rehearses every Thursday
evening in the Tabernacle. Most rehearsals are open to the public. Doors are
opened at 7:30 p.m. and rehearsals typically run 90-120 minutes.

Church Services

Those who would like to attend church on Sunday morning,
will find that there are many churches within a very reasonable distance.
Cathedral of the Madeleine
  • Cathedral of the Madeleine on South Temple is not only a
    fabulous historic and artistic landmark, Sunday services are held at 8:30 am,
    10 am and 11 am.  
  • The Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, just west of the Hilton,
    holds Orthros at 9:00 am and Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am.
  • City Presbyterian Church meets at 10 am for services; First
    Presbyterian Church
    has 3 services on Sunday: Contemporary Worship at 9:00 am, Sunday
    classes for adults at 10 am and Traditional Worship at 11 am.
  • First United Methodist Church of SLC meets for services at
    10 am followed by Sunday School and 1 pm services.
  • LDS Sacrament Meeting is held at 11 am in the Joseph Smith
    Memorial Building, formerly the Hotel Utah.
  • Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church holds Holy Communion
    Worship on Sundays at 10:30 am.
Further information on local churches can be found at Visit Salt Lake.  Directions and maps can be found by googling the church or
inputting the available address into your preferred GPS system.

See you soon for SLIG fun in SLIG style!

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