Seats Available in SLIG Encore Courses
Three courses from SLIG 2021 were selected to give an “encore” this fall during SLIG Virtual 2021. The courses have been opened to those on the SLIG 2021 waitlists – and lucky us, there are still a few seats available for general …
Waitlists: Updates, Tips, and Magical Solutions
Waitlists are an inevitable part of institute course registration. Courses fill. Sometimes very quickly. Oh how we wish they didn’t need to do that! Run out of seats we mean. But if they must, then the answer lies in fair application and …
Course Spotlight: Advanced Evidence Analysis Practicum
Once upon a time, a handful of students dreamed of a course that would help them continue to build on the knowledge and skills gleaned by taking the Advanced Methodology course. It didn’t exist. So they created it. Now in its sixth …
Course Spotlight: Researching New York: Resources and Strategies
Always wanted to study New York research with Karen Mauer Jones, but either didn’t get into the class or couldn’t attend in January? This amazing course is now being offered in the fall. Virtually. Over multiple weeks. Offering plenty of hands-on opportunities …
Course Spotlight: Mother Russia: Research in the Countries of the Former Russian Empire and USSR
Wish to research, or help those who need to research, ancestral lines from what was known as the Russian Empire? It can seem a bit daunting. A different language, unique research methods, and multiple locations for record sets. The geographical context alone …
Course Spotlight: Chinese Ancestry: Research Methods and Sources
Do you have Chinese ancestors but don’t know where to begin? Or perhaps you work at a library or archive serving those with Chinese ancestral lines? This multi-week course will provide everything you need to know to get started. No prior knowledge …
Course Spotlight: Intermediate Foundations
Self-taught and unsure of your research gaps? Feeling a little rusty on your research skills after a long hiatus? Or perhaps you have completed a beginning course and are ready to sink your teeth into methodology and intermediate record sets? This course …
Get Ready for SLIG Virtual Registration
Many of you are anxious to get into the amazing offering of courses we have coming this fall. We wish to make you aware of some information and changes before registration opens on June 19, 2021, at 12:00 noon MT. Single Course …