UGA Distinguished Service Award to Kelly Summers
The UGA Distinguished service award “is granted for outstanding service to the Association.” At the SLIG 2021 banquet, this award was presented to UGA’s current president: Kelly Summers. Kelly has been a stalwart leader and advocate for UGA. In her role she …
UGA Awards FUGA to Angela Packer McGhie
The UGA Fellow recognizes one “whose distinguished contributions and on-going commitment to the field of Genealogy are of national or international scope, this award may be evidenced by any combination of publications, teaching, and speaking, or the leadership of major genealogical organizations over …
UGA Awards Silver Tray to Elizabeth Shown Mills
The Silver Tray honors “Scholarly Contributions to the field of Genealogy” and “has traditionally been given for publication efforts.” This year’s Silver Tray award was given to honor someone who has touched our field, genealogy education and standards, and publication efforts …
UGA Chapter Service Award to Zachary Hamilton
Zachary is the owner of Briick Family Research. A specialist in Southern US research and military records, Zachary has worked for and contracted with some of the leading genealogy companies in the world, including and The New York Genealogical and Biographical …
The Folks Behind the Scenes at SLIG
It takes a village to run a program. Or something like that 🙂 These are the folks behind the scenes at SLIG 2021: committee members that work year-round, some who join in the fun for the last few months or weeks, and …