2027 Course Proposals



SLIG holds three programs each year specific to the education needs of genealogical researchers: SLIG Fall Virtual, SLIG, and SLIG Spring Virtual. Successful proposals are usually submitted by those familiar with SLIG and the goals related to each program. A review of current and past-year offerings is recommended, and prior participation as a faculty member recommended, but not required.

All courses should focus on building a strong, in-depth, progressional, knowledge base for participants using the schedules noted below. Courses with hands-on learning opportunities are encouraged. Courses that fill educational needs not addressed elsewhere are generally preferred.

Complete details and requirements are provided below and should be reviewed thoroughly prior to submitting an inquiry or proposal. Potential course coordinators are encouraged to seek advice from the director or other mentors to assure a clear understanding of institute goals and expectations.

Inquiries are accepted at any time. Compensation structure will be provided in reply to initial inquiry. A sample proposal is available for review.

Deadline: September 1, 2025.

SLIG 2027 Proposal Details

The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) is pleased to accept course proposals for the 2027 Institute, scheduled to be held 25-29 January 2027.

Proposals for SLIG are encouraged on intermediate, high-intermediate, and advanced genealogical and historical studies and topics, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • North American regions or states
  • Country, language, or ethnicity-specific research
  • Specific record types or groups
  • Application of standards or advanced analysis/correlation
  • Writing, documentation, or publishing
  • Broader genealogical topics such as paleography, social history, occupations, migration,
    or immigration
  • Technology and the use of technology to enhance research

In keeping with the SLIG philosophy of providing advanced education on a breadth of topics, proposals for “niche” courses that serve a smaller participant base are accepted.

SLIG Fall Virtual 2026 Proposal Details

The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) is also pleased to accept course proposals for the fall 2026 series. Proposals are accepted on intermediate to advanced topics uniquely suited to a multi-week format.

Courses are held weekly from early September to mid-November, ending the week prior to Thanksgiving, and are delivered via Zoom; technical support is provided. The weekly format enhances learning through inclusion of in-depth homework or related research assigments to be completed between sessions. Virtual courses will be recorded, and recordings made available to students for up to 30 days following the end of the course for additional study and review.

SLIG Spring Virtual 2027 Proposal Details

The Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) is also pleased to accept course proposals for SLIG Spring Virtual which will be held virtually from mid-February to late April/early May 2027.

We encourage Spring proposals on topics relevant to genealogy professionals, those in related support roles, and individuals seeking to enter the field. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, DNA for Professionals, professional writing and speaking, project management, business and marketing, and various career paths within the field. Like Fall course proposals, Spring proposals should focus on intermediate to advanced topics that are particularly well-suited to a multi-week format.

Course Outline Format

SLIG courses should be outlined to cover a minimum of 25 hours of instruction time, including labs and consultations. The SLIG schedule includes 20 classes held in 75-minute increments, four per day, Monday through Friday.

SLIG courses with a heavy research or project schedule may meet for a preliminary session on Sunday afternoon, or consider additional after-hours labs. Courses with homework assignments may meet briefly before or after the daily lectures.

SLIG Fall Virtual courses should be outlined to cover a minimum of 20 to 25 hours of instruction time over a period of several weeks. Each weekly session usually begins with homework review and ends with homework assignment sessions, delivering two 75-minute classes with a short mid-session break. Alternate formats will be considered if required to best facilitate learning on the topic submitted.

SLIG Spring Virtual courses should be outlined to cover a minimum of 20 to 25 hours of instruction time, including labs and consultations. Each weekly session usually begins with homework review and ends with homework assignment sessions, delivering two 75-minute classes with a short mid-session break.


  • Inquiries: You may submit an inquiry, or a draft proposal at any time for feedback. If your inquiry is for a year beyond 2026, please indicate that in your correspondence.
  • September 1, 2025: Course Proposals due
  • November 20, 2025: Notification of proposal status; contracts offered
  • December 4, 2025: Signed contract, photo for publication, and other forms due
  • December 18, 2025: Artwork and other proofs due
  • January 26, 2026: Courses announced at SLIG 2026

Proposal Structure

All required items should be assembled into ONE document and submitted in PDF format.
Please include the following in your proposal:

Course Information

  • Full Course Title
  • Short Title for Marketing Purposes (60 characters or less)
  • Overall Course Objectives
  • Description of course objectives and expectations – as will be published for marketing purposes
  • Level of instruction – Intermediate, Intermediate to Advanced, High Intermediate,
    Advanced . . .
  • Anticipated target audience – Subset of students at the level of instruction (to include any courses students may have already taken or other elements to assist us in identifying persons likely interested in such a course).
    Examples: “Participants have conducted research in libraries, archives, and courthouses” or “Participants have identified their ancestral village of origin and accessed parish registers available online or on microfilm” or “Participants are likely members of ISOGG, DNA-related discussion groups, follow DNA-focused blogs, or manage a DNA Project.”
  • Prerequisites, if any
  • Special Requirements, to include labs, technology support, and student equipment.
  • Support required from outside organizations – i.e., software vendors or local archives – must be identified, but do not need to be pre-arranged.

Coordinator Information

The role of the coordinator is to plan and prepare an in-depth, progressional curriculum on the topic, recommend topic experts as additional instructors, coordinate materials preparation, and communicate with the SLIG director as necessary. One coordinator, highly recognized for their body of work on the proposed topic, is preferred; if co-coordination is requested, reasoning should be provided in your proposal.

  • Name as it should appear on marketing materials, to include post-nominals
  • Postal and e-mail addresses and phone numbers
  • Short bio (for marketing purposes)
  • Long bio or resume/CV for review
  • A small photograph (not intended for publication)


Please answer the following questions:

  • Why do you feel this course would add value to SLIG?
  • How does this course differ from other courses on similar topics held at SLIG or elsewhere?
  • Has this course been taught before? Please list where and when (all).
  • Will the course be taught elsewhere in the calendar years prior to and following SLIG 2027? If so, where and when? Preference is given to courses not offered in the same format elsewhere within the immediate year prior to or following SLIG. Feel free to email the director with questions concerning this timeline if needed.

Questions and preliminary inquiries may be submitted to the SLIG Director. Proposals should be submitted using the form below. You may be contacted for clarification at any time prior to the final notification of proposal status.

Submission Form

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